Your greatest ability …



Your greatest ability is the ability to CREATE.

You can create anything you want to. Just wave your magic wand, and suddenly your ideas are manifesting right before your eyes.

It doesn’t always happen right away – but to the person who refuses to put their wand in their back pockets and simply march to another tune, the world is just a coloring book for them.

You dream of perfect love and one day she is standing there in front of you. You want to change the world and you find yourself one day with the chance to help one person. You want to add a touch of beauty to the world, so you write a song, a book or you give life to a bright eyed child filled with hope, opportunity and dreams.

Every nano-second of every singular moment of our lives, we are doing one thing with unalloyed certainty – we are creating something, small or large.

Creation is what motivates us, it compels us, it draws us like a thousand thousand stars and manifests the soul within us all.

So create.

Wave your magic wand.

It is what you do best.


Réal Laplaine is an internationally published author and human rights activist.

The Great Secret to success

1480640_654271374615730_702566510_nAfter over 50 years of living life, I feel justified and entitled to offer this piece of advice to anyone.

It took me a long time to learn this with a level of certainty that I can now call knowledge, and not just another fact to tuck away into my mental library.

This is one of those pillars, an anchor, and one which I came to learn after jumping for the stars, falling into the pits of some pretty dark holes; rebounding yet again, only to jump for even higher stars in the sky.

Don’t ever subjugate or lessen yourself to any man or woman – period.

That doesn’t mean that one cannot work under or with others – not at all. In order for our society to work, it requires hierarchical structure. Groups run best with leaders and sub-levels below them – but that is an abstract system, and to work, it requires that everyone up and down the hierarchical structure agrees that it will run that way. Slavish compliance, acquiescence to some “command” or “supreme power” – have no part in this. That would typically be elemental to communism, tyranny or a quasi-democracy where people had “some, but not all rights”.

This is not a popular concept in societies, groups, religious orders or even corporations where true democracy is not practiced – but it is the truth. Never let another, no matter the circumstances, ever convince you that your mind, your ideas, your will and your power to determine your life, should be subjugated to theirs. At the point where you ask someone else for a license to live your life, where you crutch yourself to them, you are heading down a road which has a brick wall at the other end – that is guaranteed.

True love is a mutual condition of great admiration, but an admiration which is free and unfettered. “Love” which is based on some idea of mutual ownership of the other, like some possession, is ultimately a relationship doomed to failure.

Right this moment, you are just as responsible for this world as the President of any nation. That choice is yours, NOT theirs to make.

Never deny your true power, your true abilities and most of all, your innate responsibility.

None of this is a call for revolution. It is a call for evolution of our culture. To achieve the highest possible level of freedom and cultural advancement, it is necessary that everyone, in the main, remain free of mind, and never permit themselves to become malleable slaves, answering to some “higher power” and reduced to something less than who they truly are.

You are capable of anything that you want to be. Don’t ever let anyone convince you otherwise.

If you maintain that viewpoint, then you will have a good chance of living the dreams you set for yourself. It’s not a guarantee that you will be rich, famous or even eternally happy – but you will most certainly be living your life according to YOUR values, your will and your merits and you will be in control of your life and that is a right that no one should ever abdicate. To do so permits slave societies to exist.

by author Real Laplaine

Freeing North Korea with blue jeans…!?


The totalitarian state of North Korea, where only Kim Jong-un and his croonies live well, while most of the population starve and are kept under the rule of a steel glove, can be freed of this suppressive regime. It’s really up to the people – because whether one has a gun to his head or not, there are still choices, and the North Korean regime could not ever muster enough guns or soldiers from stopping their people if they decided they wanted freedom.


Kim Jong  un maintains a totality of non-incursion into that country, for one reason only, to prevent the people from ever finding out what is beyond those walls. For if they did, they would storm the ramparts and his days of “eliticism” would end. Apparently, amongst the many ridiculous laws which he and his family have invoked to keep the North Korean people in fear, none the least of which include that they must only have one of 28 state-approved hairstyles, or go to prison, they are also NOT permitted to wear blue jeans because blue jeans represented the imperialism of America. Now, if that isn’t hypocrisy coming from the imperialist of imperialists, well, it’s laughable.

What we could do of course, an act which would not be regarded as a military act or a threat of war with KJu and his boys, is air-drop boxes, tonnage of blue jeans into North Korea, just salt the countryside with them… Start a movement which sends a message to the little dictator that the people of North Korea want freedom, not slavery and that the rest of the free world are on their side. Of course, that’s somewhat allegorical, but the point is this … small steps by the many, results in a tidal wave of humanity. It doesn’t take much of a ripple to start the movement … which is why Kim Jong un and his sidekicks are so adamant about making sure that no one can take the first step.

Every dictator eventually falls and his house of cards always crumbles – because you cannot suppress the human soul – and you can’t kill either.

What is happening to democracy?


Once the beacon of freedom in the world, a role model for democracy, America has been a vital and dynamic force in helping to bring greater democracy to our world. Unfortunately, since 2001 its Administration has failed to live up to the very Constitution it is founded upon and certainly, it has failed the American people. As brutal as this may sound, and I am quite sure that I am now offending some very loyal Americans, sadly, the American governance has planted the seeds which have diminished the very democracy which they claim to protect.

I am not anti-American, I assure you of that. I lived there for over thirty years and I love the country, and it is purely out of love and respect for what that nation stands for, and the very reason I was attracted to live there (I am Canadian by birth) – America was the beacon of freedom and democracy in the world. 

However, that flame has diminished and is becoming less visible because of the compromises entered into the system by those responsible for protecting it – and who claim to be doing so in the name of “national security”. Sadly, it is hypocrisy of the worst kind, that its political leaders and heads of intelligence and other facets of the government, stand up and declare their purity of heart when in fact, they are beguiling Americans into believing that all the necessary surveillance of their phones, emails and such, is necessary to ensure they “can walk the streets safely”.

President Obama is on record as recently having stated the following in response to Edward Snowden’s exposure of NSA – the National Security Agency secretive operations to collect information on American citizens:

“You can’t have 100% security and also then have 100% privacy. We’re going to have make choices as a society.”

By his very words, he has reinterpreted the Constitution of America. He has announced that he supports a “new” system wherein government spying and violation of its citizen’s rights, is a necessary element in order to “protect” the nation. He also says that this is a matter of “choice” and yet, to-date, every change in policy and law within America, permitting its intelligence community the right to violate the privacy rights of Americans, has been invoked without the consent, nor even putting the matter to the vote of the citizens. After 9-11, the Bush Administration ushered in an entirely new agency, Homeland Security and a new law, the Patriot Act, a contradiction in terms since in fact the Patriot Act is anything but, for it allows America’s intelligence community to spy on anyone they deem “a suspect”. In fact, since 9/11, there is reportedly over 700,000 Americans now listed on a “watch list” as suspected terrorists or threats to national security, and these people are not even aware of the fact that they have been listed as potential enemies of the very state to whom they pay their taxes.

America has planted the seeds of dictatorship, and though President Obama would no doubt laugh it off, saying that no such extreme measures have been invoked, if one watches the various interviews with him (see link above) one comes to realize that he has declared himself an advocate of privacy invasion in the name of national security. And one only need to look ahead, to see a plausible future, where either Obama, or another administration, invoke policy changes, directly against the Constitution, which make even more stringent reforms towards “national security”.

As to terrorism, they need only to stoke the flames of sensationalism in this arena to make it seem plausible and pervasive, whereas in fact, deaths from auto accidents EVERY month in America alone far exceed any threat that terrorism presents to the world at large. It is an inflated and demonstrably created scenario, one designed for control purposes – but that is a subject for yet another time.

Unfortunately, the beast which has been created is the same colour and shape as any past oppressive system – the minute that the governing bodies start talking about “national security” as paramount to individual privacy and rights, then what in fact distinguishes such a mentality from a communist Russia, a totalitarian state, or Orwell’s “Big Brother”.

Every oppressive system of government started by violating just ONE piece of individual rights, carving out a foothold in the mountain of human rights, and with that they forged new laws, enacted violent changes to deal with “circumstances” for the “good of the many” and eventually, a free people were slaves to a system.

Whistle blowers such as Edward Snowden, while profiled as an “enemy of the state” for exposing the government’s secrets, is in fact, a hero. If in fact, any other private agency, corporation or entity were engaged in similar crimes, they would be treated and prosecuted by the law. But the US government has redefined this matter, couching it all in terms which simply justify the end.

The disintegration of democracy in America is the real impending disaster – and it behoves all of us to not only be vigilant on this matter, but to demand a change, to insist upon transparency, and to ensure, by any means, that our governments do not, and CANNOT ever pass laws and changes of policy regarding our privacy and our freedom. Freedom means FREE FROM, it does not mean, free “except for”. It does not, by definition, permit any kind of restrictions, marginalization or interpretation by ANYONE. Any administration that feels entitled to do so, to redefine that freedom in order to accomplish its ends, is in fact inept and incompetent to hold such office, and as such, their campaign platform was a lie, because they declared their competence to a nation of people who voted them in, and then, they violated the trust. As such, according to the Constitution, such Administration should be requested to step down from office and a new administration installed which will in fact protect the rights of the people it serves above all else. Any other stance is simply beguile and duplicity.

America needs to be led, not terrorized into acquiescence.

What would you wish for?


I know it sounds trite, and some might even scoff at the “impracticality” – saying that one must “face reality” – but I am a true believer that if you want to really LIVE life, you have to live it according to your own dreams – not what others dictate or dish out to one in the box called “mediocrity”.

In this article, by a nurse who spent many years tending to dying patients, she sums it up very well as to what those people said on their death bed. It behoves all of us to listen to what she says.

Frank Sinatra had it right …


This piece of advice sounds radical, and to some, unreal, but it is solid to the core.

What do these people have in common?

Sir Isaac Newton? Lady Gaga? Abraham Lincoln? Steven Jobs? Henry Ford? Bill Gates? John Pemberton? Alexander Fleming? Martin Luther King? Copernicus? Galileo?

I could name thousands of people just like those above – but what made them stand-out in life, what made them succeed in their dreams is this…. they believed what they believed and they DID what they believed. In other words, in spite of being treated as a heretical criminal, and forced into house arrest for many years because of his scientific discovery which violated the doctrines of the Catholic Church, Galileo maintained that Earth was not the center of things, but rather, that it, amongst other planets revolved around the sun. He was right – everyone else who attempted to shut him up, was wrong.  Bill Gates so believed that he could create a household computer system, that he developed and eventually launched the most successful computer company in history. Martin Luther King, against all odds – believed in equality and his name alone has carried that message across the world. Pemberton developed a soft-drink which remains the largest selling cola in history. Lady Gaga? Well, you can figure it out, but from just another girl living in New Jersey,  in just years she has become one of the largest pop-stars due to her unique stylized performance and music.

Achievers in life are people who first and foremost believe in THEMSELVES. They do things, not because others tell them to, but because THEY believe it is right. It doesn’t mean that everyone has to strike out on a new road, or invent a new product – that isn’t the point. The point is this – if you want to dance ballet and you weigh 300 pounds, and everyone around you tells you that you can never succeed and would be better suited to being a sumo wrestler – you better do what you want to do.  If you want to write and people repeatedly ask you how you expect to make a living at it, then go write – because if you follow that “safe” road, the “collective” ideas about what is “good for you” – you may never really achieve your dreams.

Frank Sinatra had it right with his song, “I did it my way.”

Do it your way – live the life that YOU want to live. It isn’t always the easiest road – but it most certainly is the road which empowers YOU.

Do you speak the truth?


It isn’t what you say, or how much you verbalize – it is the quality of what you say – the truth in your words – that is what is important and which defines a true man or woman, from a false one.

The quality of life is based on how close one approaches the truth of one’s essential self.

Living by integrity, by honour, courage, tolerance and love is a life of dignity and respect for oneself and for others.

Truth is like honey, it attracts us, inspires us and is the magic wand we use to create life.

Lies, hyperbole, character assassination and social platitudes which aggrandize self and reduce others is a sign of cowardice – a person who has forgotten their true self and their real potentials which can only be discovered when one is capable of standing by truth, and truth alone.



Human rights heroes are all around us


Hollywood films, historical texts and countless other anecdotes and stories which have happened in the past, depict heroes in our world.  Not to lessen their importance and contributions, but  I cannot help but shed some light on another thread of contemporary heroes.

I recently attended the European Anti-Trafficking Day in Stockholm – an event which was hosted and arranged by RealStars, an NGO which campaigns against human trafficking in Europe.

In listening to the many speakers from both government and private organizations, and in hearing the questions and the passion from the audience, many of them young adults who are concerned about this global issue – I was impressed. If this one gathering was a reflection or ripple of the voices speaking up on just this one issue – human trafficking – then one cannot help but ponder on the many hundreds of thousands of other voices around the globe who are also demanding change and human rights to be enforced in this particular arena.

In my lifetime, there have been several heroes – the doctor who operated on me and saved my life – she probably would not consider herself a hero, but she is to me. My 6th grade teacher who inspired me for a life time – also a man of great humility who simply saw potential in a small boy and encouraged him and he has no idea how far his act of simple humanity has gone. I could name others – we all could. Heroes are all around us, and this short article is by no means an attempt to marginalize them. I am simply commenting on one particular thread of humanity which I had the opportunity to meet and who deserve to be spotlighted.

What is a hero?

By definition it is someone who is notable or distinguished in valor, courage, accomplishment, in the face of challenges or danger.

Every person who goes out of their way, who steps across their own boundaries and comfort zone, and extends themselves, their hand and their efforts to help another human being – is in fact on that very road as a hero. It is just as noble and brave to fight for the rights of people enslaved by traffickers, people who cannot fight back themselves, as it is to pull people from a burning fire. One is possibly more dramatic, but in the long run, they both save human life.

There are, reportedly, well over 20,000,000 people on this planet who are currently trafficked, like objects, most of them sold into sexual slavery.

While governments in many nations simply turn a blind eye, or even sanction this activity by legalizing prostitution (which makes it easy for traffickers to force more women and children into that human pipeline) there are people amongst us who are standing up and saying NO.

It takes a great deal of courage and a quality of character in order to take up this campaign – or in fact, any campaign in the name of human rights.

Whether it is trafficking, or the right to freedom, the right to speak one’s voice, the right to practice one’s religion, the right to be equal – human rights activists, such as those whom I had the opportunity to meet at this Anti-Trafficking Day, are truly heroes in their own right.

As a writer and a human rights speaker, I consider it an honor to be associated with this thread of humanity, these crusaders for the rights of mankind – because in the long run, they are the reason that we have the freedoms that we share today. It is heroes, such as these, who in the future will be talked about, whom films and stories will abound, but today, they are just doing what they know is right and what must be done, and no doubt, they could care less about the accolades and praise.

Real Laplaine speaking 4

Réal Laplaine is an author and human rights speaker.

The game…where to next?


Consider this. Our galaxy alone contains billions of stars; while the universe at large contains billions of galaxies. When we look up at the night sky and we see the glimmer of some far away star, that light will have travelled hundreds of millions of light years, spanning eons of earth time, before it arrives to our eyes.

These are pretty inconceivable concepts if one stops for just a moment and considers them.

Considering the magnitude of these dynamics and the forces at play, it sheds another perspective on our own lives.

Why would we be engaged in wars, power struggles, hatred, discrimination and other ills – when the magnitude of the potentials for new horizons are unlimited?

It may seem as if the cosmos is beyond our reach, but I suggest that is not the case and that if we were to focus our attention on developing the technology as fast as we have accelerated the world of electronics in the past decade or two, we could pass over amazing new thresholds.

Look back in your own lifetime – twenty years ago there were no mobile phones, no GPS, virtually no laptops, and many other electronic devices which are now normality in our lives. That is just one avenue of rapid development in human endeavour.

Clearly, when mankind puts its attention on positive goals – it can and does accomplish them.

The pitiful engagements, the wars, the killing, the power-struggles, are engaged upon by those who cannot envision such a future in the stars – but who, rather prefer to keep everyone’s noses and attention fixed on activities which suit some other end.

Whether one believes in the theory of the “Big Bang” – the scientific assumption that the universe was conceived in one spontaneous coalition of forces, or whether you believe that it was created by the hand of some God, does not the change the fact that the scope of the game is so very much larger than the issues which we find ourselves engaged in.

Carl Sagan, in his book Contact, shows us what would quite likely happen on Earth were we to make irrefutable contact with an off-world intelligence. Wars would stop, conflicts would end, and pretty much everyone would be focused on discovering the truth.

Call it “greener pastures” or just the pioneering spirit inside all of us, but when a man finds out that there is a continent across the ocean, with unlimited space and resources, where he and his family can start a new life in spite of the dangers of such a crossing – the small plot of land upon which he lives, haggles and fights for means virtually nothing. Values change in the face of new horizons.

I venture to say that considering the billions upon billions of worlds out there, isn’t it possible that we might encounter other species of like kind or intelligence? If you believe in Darwinian theory of evolution, then surely the spontaneous and sudden spark of life which apparently resulted in mankind could happen elsewhere? Or if you believe that a supreme being is behind the entire show, then surely such a great god would not stop at creating life on such a small planet as Earth, but would grace other worlds with animation and life? There are many theories, but even the most passionate disbelievers cannot deny the fact that purely by numbers alone, the odds of such is not inconceivable.

But that aside, what the sky above us represents is POTENTIAL.

George Orwell, in his book 1984, suggested that civilization is cyclic, and that power struggles between the Worker Class, the Middle Class and the small, but ultimately powerful Wealthy Class, have always been with us and will always continue to be so, in one form or another. There is truth in what he says, and arguably, history seems to support this – except, there is one wrench in the works – the human soul. Our potential and our expectancy of such potential, is immeasurable.

Fifty years ago, no one really knew, or possibly believed, that we would land men on the moon – but we did. The technology that we have today, in our hands, was the subject matter of science-fiction writers back in the 1940’s and 50’s. In less than have a century, we have changed our world significantly.

Where we fall behind is in the humanities and in our own self-expectancy. But even there, we are making ground.

Historical precedence is only a lesson in experience gained. Whereas the future requires visionary courage, faith, the willingness to step outside the box and true leadership skills.

The game of life, where it succeeds and endures, would seem at least, to follow certain natural laws, or harmonics, already set into the very nature and structure of the universe around us.

There is a natural polarity which exists at every level of the world in which we exist. Atoms stay together because of the push-pull, the balances and counter-balances of positive and negative forces within. Our planet is held in orbit by the medium in which it floats; which as Einstein and other scientists correctly pointed out, is not empty space, but in fact, an energy flux, which helps to bind it in connection with other forces and bodies around it. Such is the same with our solar system, our galaxy, and the billions of others which are looped and latched, and spin in a universal harmony.

The evolution of our culture, from mere survival to a higher order of lifestyle, activity and luxury, is a natural evolution too. People have a natural tendency to form bonds and dynamic forces between them – such as the most successful group in history – the family unit. Increased knowledge brings about increased potential and there is no stopping that exponential curve.

Culturally speaking, the platform for our societies must, per force, also follow a natural progression and not one which is brought upon it by past “isms” such as communism, socialism and dictatorship-ism. As people become more educated, more knowledgeable, as they gain more time and freedom to tap into their innate potentials, the world will continue to spin upwards into whole new realms. At the same time, political and ideological platforms must too advance. We cannot continue to operate on ideology laid down generations before which exploited people, capitalized on ignorance, or promised freedoms which it could never deliver. True democracy is anchored in the free will and capitalism of each individual – not collective mentality or governance.

Our very platform, politically and ideologically speaking, must transform and morph with the growing zeitgeist of mankind. As our general humanity grows, as transparency in the world becomes greater, as permeation of knowledge and learning becomes more broadly disseminated, so must our governance. By whatever name it goes by, it cannot be precisely the same concepts as before. Democracy works because people make it work – and as those people achieve higher intelligence, better health and lifestyle – the form of democracy which it chooses must too morph. Nothing is static in this world.

The world needs leaders, at all levels, who envision a greater future for all people. It needs those who inspire, who remind us and our children that we can be everything we ever wanted to be – and that the universe is big enough for all of us to accomplish our dreams.

We have the opportunity to reach for the stars now, to step over new thresholds which will vault us, as humanity, into games which are incomparable in size.

Pragmatically speaking, if you want to get rid of wars and hatred, killing and discrimination, change the scope of the game. Like two kids fighting over a ball, just drop a hundred balls around them – new game, no more fighting.

The game of life does not end here on this one tiny planet. It is even arguably possible that it never even started here – but that is a moot point and is not the crux of this article. But it certainly suggests that if we are to find out the truth about ourselves, that we must step up to the game plate and throw the next ball.

As a people, we cannot permit ourselves to slide back into the mud again, when we could be sailing to new frontiers in the stars.


Taking on human traffickers

woman naked in a caddy shopping cart

This Thursday, October 17th, I will attend the Anti-Trafficking Day in Stockholm, hosted by RealStars at the TeaterStudio Lederman. I will be announcing the official publication of my newest book, Quantum Assault the second in the Keeno Action Novel series. Quantum Assault is an action-thriller, wherein the special Canadian crime-fighting team takes on a human trafficking ring which takes them on a man-hunt across the globe.

The story is inspired by the millions of women and children who are enslaved by traffickers around the world. The book concerns one, fifteen year-old girl, who escapes from the traffickers, and her courage to do so, starts a domino-effect and a global tidal-wave.

While the story is fictional, the facts are not, and Quantum Assault will make another step forward in the assault against these criminals who traffic people for profit. Part of the sales of Quantum Assault will be donated to the campaign against human trafficking.

If you are in the area, join us. There will be many speakers spotlighting the issue.

Download your copy of Quantum Assault. It is available in eBook – published by Asteroid Publishing and now available through Amazon.  You can download the free eReader to your phone or laptop in just seconds (see below) and then download the book and start reading right away.

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